Monday, 13 July 2009

English class



經過特派員 Philosophiae 的不恥下問,一位是交換學生,學習中文三年,另二位是夫妻關係,老公是博士後研究,專長物理,老婆是甜蜜陪讀。

今天上課之前,老師搬來了一箱書,讓同學可以借回家看。英文課嘛~當然就是英文書了。挑書時,那位交換學生也來選書,而我也理所當然的利用機會請教:where are you from? what is your subject? why do you learn English when you study Chinese in this country?

I agree with that Taiwan is a perfect country to learn Chinese, which she has learnt three years, because you can learn the beauty of the Chinese characters. In addition, few people can speak her language, so she wants to learn English coorespondingly. However, when I spoke English, she insisted on responding by Chinese. Finally, she gave up, and asked me that '妳真的堅持要講英文?' I answered that 'this is English class'.


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